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This package is the data layer for modeling collaborative document states. It's natively built on the CRDT library Yjs, powering all BlockSuite documents with built-in real-time collaboration and time-travel capabilities.


In BlockSuite, a Page is the container for a block tree, providing essential functionalities for creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting blocks inside it. Under the hood, every page holds a Yjs subdocument.

Besides the block tree, the selection state is also stored in the page.awarenessStore inside the page. This store is also built on top of the Yjs awareness.


In BlockSuite, a Workspace is defined as an opt-in collection of multiple pages, providing comprehensive features for managing cross-page updates and data synchronization. You can access the workspace via the page.workspace getter, or you can also create a workspace manually:

import { Workspace, Schema } from '@blocksuite/store';

const schema = new Schema();

// You can register a batch of block schemas to the workspace

const workspace = new Workspace({ schema });

Then multiple pages can be created under the workspace:

const workspace = new Workspace({ schema });

// This is an empty page at this moment
const page = workspace.createPage();

As an example, the createEmptyPage is a simple helper implemented exactly in this way (source):

import { AffineSchemas } from '@blocksuite/blocks/models';
import { Schema, Workspace } from '@blocksuite/store';

export function createEmptyPage() {
  const schema = new Schema().register(AffineSchemas);
  const workspace = new Workspace({ schema });
  const page = workspace.createPage();

  return {
    async init() {
      await page.load(() => {
        const pageBlockId = page.addBlock('affine:page', {});
        page.addBlock('affine:surface', {}, pageBlockId);
        const noteId = page.addBlock('affine:note', {}, pageBlockId);
        page.addBlock('affine:paragraph', {}, noteId);
      return page;